Children | Kaysen

We did a quick mini session a few weeks ago to feature Kaysen’s 2 month mark! Since we’ve seen him last, he has definitely grown larger and more alert – all the more fun for baby photos! We enjoyed how he interacted more with his parents so we could get some more organic and family-style photos. Excited to see him for his 3 month photos? Check back in a few more weeks!
Kaysen - 2mo. (1 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (2 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (3 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (4 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (5 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (6 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (7 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (8 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (9 of 10) Kaysen - 2mo. (10 of 10)Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (1 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (2 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (3 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (4 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (5 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (6 of 7) Kaysen 2 Month Blog Photos (7 of 7)
