Birth | Connor

There is nothing in this world quite like welcoming a child. From watching labor progress to the sweet interactions of the very soon-to-be parents, the entire process is nothing more than pure love. Connor was brought into this world in his home with very calm, loving parents who were so very happy to have him here. It was great to document the first reactions, getting weighed, cutting the cord, and his parents holding him for the first time.

Thank you Kipp & Jessica for this incredible opportunity!

Connor's Birth Blog Photos (1 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (1 of 3) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (2 of 3) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (4 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (2 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (4 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (1 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (2 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (6 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (5 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (9 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (10 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (7 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (8 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (14 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (12 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (13 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (15 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (17 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (18 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (19 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (9 of 11) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (25 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (22 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (21 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (11 of 26) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (3 of 3) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (1 of 5) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (3 of 5) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (2 of 5) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (4 of 5) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (5 of 5) Connor's Birth Blog Photos (10 of 11)Connor's Photos Sept. 2013 (1 of 1)
