1st Birthday Cake Smash | Aiden

Little boy smiles are simply the best! Aiden is such a happy toddler and offered up many smiles during his session. He was extremely fascinated with the balloons (what child isn’t?!) and playing peek-a-boo with us without a shy bone in his body. Thank you Jesse and Jessica for sharing his first cake reactions with us and letting us document those precious memories!

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Birth | Kira

In the early hours of the morning, we got the phone call that it was time to go to the hospital…little Kira was on her way. Being a witness to a child being born is such an honor and reminds you of the beauty in life in those precious moments that parents meet their child for the first time.

Thank you Mike and Susan for asking us to be there to document all the little details of Kira’s big day!

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