Children | Kaysen

This is the second time we’ve had the pleasure of taking photos for Yasmine and Andy and we are excited to document little Kaysen’s life as he grows! He didn’t want to sleep too much for us but we managed to get some cute photos of him, marking his 1 month milestone. Stay tuned for his month-by-month mini sessions, showing this little guy get bigger and bigger. Yasmine and Andy: Thank you for choosing us once again to capture this very special time in your lives for you!

Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (1 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (3 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (2 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (4 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (5 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (6 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (7 of 8) Kaysen McConnell 1 Month Blog Photos (8 of 8)Kaysen (1 of 7)Kaysen (2 of 7)Kaysen (3 of 7)Kaysen (4 of 7)Kaysen (5 of 7)Kaysen (6 of 7)Kaysen (7 of 7)

Senior | Caitlin

This senior was a lot of fun to take around town and snap some great portraits of! Caitlyn has a wonderful personality and we loved her outfit choices for the day!  As always, the wind was ever present, but we made it work and the ones of her out in the desert are beautiful, our personal favorites.  Congrats, Caitlyn, you will go far!  Best of luck getting into one the universities you’ve applied to!

Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (1 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (2 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (3 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (4 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (5 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (6 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (7 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (8 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (9 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (10 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (11 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (12 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (13 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (14 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (15 of 16) Caitlyn Thompson Blog Photos March 2014 (16 of 16)Caitlin (1 of 10) Caitlin (2 of 10) Caitlin (3 of 10) Caitlin (4 of 10) Caitlin (5 of 10) Caitlin (6 of 10) Caitlin (7 of 10) Caitlin (8 of 10) Caitlin (9 of 10) Caitlin (10 of 10)
