Leo + Nichole \\ Ridgecrest Engagement Photographers

There is no better feeling than that of love and we have the best job in the world capturing love stories like that of Leo and Nichole. From our first meeting, we could tell they were crazy about each other and couldn’t wait to get them in front of our cameras! Leo and Nichole, your love for one another simply radiates and we are so excited that we get to participate in one of the greatest seasons of your life. We are really looking forward to your wedding!

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Sawyer \\ Ridgecrest Newborn Photographers

Little Sawyer is as cute as they come and was such a great model for us! There’s nothing better than seeing the new found love first time parents have with their child and having the honor of photographing that incredible bond between the three. Thank you Jessica and Tyson for spending a morning with us in our studio and sharing your sweet little boy! Hope you enjoy your photos as much as we do!

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Geo + Brianna \\ Ridgecrest Engagement Photographers

We spent a beautiful morning with this sweet couple celebrating their engagement! Their love for each other just poured out from the very start of our session and we are so honored to be a part of one of the greatest years of their life as they join their lives into one. Thank you SO MUCH Brianna and Geo for choosing us and we look forward to your wedding day! Hope you enjoyed your engagement session as much as we did!

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