The Talhelms || Lone Pine Wedding Photographers

Cristin and Alan met in the forest service so planning a wedding in the Eastern Sierras where they met only made perfect sense.  Their day was planned totally to match their personalities: relaxing, fun, beautiful, and full of love!  These two are such genuine people and we so appreciated their laid back demeanor on such a momentous day.  It turned out to be a beautiful, cool June day and we were able to photograph these two in the iconic Alabama Hills with Mt. Whitney as their backdrop – who could ask for more?!

Their ceremony and reception was held at the De La Cour Ranch tucked back into the mountains – they have a small lavender field which made for another awesome spot to take photos!  And it smelled so good!  Cristin and Alan also had a traveling pizza oven brought to their reception for homemade wood-fired pizzas – SO YUMMY!

Everything about their day was just our absolute favorite and it was a pleasure to hang out with Cristin and Alan and their closest friends and family…we wish you two the best in your new adventures!!

The Joneses || Ridgecrest Wedding Photographers

Tyler and Summer are a fun-loving couple who had a wedding day centered on sharing that fun and love with all of their closest family and friends! Thankfully, they planned a beautiful indoor ceremony and reception because it was one of the windiest days we’ve ever had!! In fact, it was so windy that it knocked out cell phone service, which was an interesting obstacle to work around…but these two handled it with grace and didn’t let the stress get to them! I’m not sure how we ever survived before the age of cell phones! HA!

Check out this beautiful, hand-made spring wedding below!
