Brady \\ Ridgecrest Children’s Photographers

The old adage ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ is so very true…particularly when it comes to documenting growing babes! Little Brady is already six months old and it seems like just yesterday that we were taking photos shortly after his birth. This sweet boy was full of smiles for us early in the morning and just as cute as can be in his outfits! Thank you Kevin and Karina for bringing him out to play with us again!Finding Focus Photography photographer_0569Finding Focus Photography photographer_0570Finding Focus Photography photographer_05712015-04-16_0018Finding Focus Photography photographer_0572Finding Focus Photography photographer_05732015-04-16_0019Finding Focus Photography photographer_05742015-04-16_00222015-04-16_00212015-04-16_0020Finding Focus Photography photographer_05752015-04-16_0023Finding Focus Photography photographer_0576Finding Focus Photography photographer_05772015-04-16_0024
